Some Links to Useful Information

Zero Hedge - Excellent libertarian newsfeed
The Duran - International News - War Reports
Gold, Goats & Guns - Tom Luongo - European Decline
Tap Newswire - International News + Conspiracy stuff of varying quality
New Atlas - Military Logistics
Son of the New American Revolution
Consortium News - Independent Investigative Journalism
Dances With Bears - Diplomacy & Intelligence
Canadian Patriot (Matthew Ehret)
Cynthia Chung's Substack - Occult influence in US
Rising Tide Foundation - Ehret, Chung, etc.
Martin Armstrong (Predictions)
Crypto Rich Odysee Channel
Jay Dyer - Deep discussions of History, especially British Institutions
The Crowhouse - Max Igan (select Odyssey or Bitchute for the vids)
Just The News
Southfront - Current war news from global hotspots
Prussiagate Substack - Start with the 1871 articles (5)
Seymour Hersh Substack ($5/mo - weekly posts)
World War III for Dummies
How the British Invented Communism (and blamed it on the ...)
Richard Poe's Substack (British Influence)
Putin's Historic Speech for Peace, Prosperity and Cooperation
The most insanely genocidal agenda you will ever see
Child Trafficing in Poland - Documentary
Bill Browder & the Economic Rape of Russia
The Vineyard of the Saker - Slavic perspective - Archived
Unlimited Hangout (includes Whitney Webb)
Half Past Human / Clif High: Fascinating Predictions
Sarah Westall - Various History & Conspiracy Stuff
Amazing Polly - Investigations connecting powerful entities
Moon Of Alabama - International News - War Reports
We Are Sovereign - CSRQ Hackers Collection (maybe)
CD Media - International & Domestic News
Burning Platform - Good source of news articles
21st Century Wire - International news feed
Global Research - International News and History
Russtrat - Russian News Site (need to Google translate)
Valdai Discussion Club - Global Security (peace)
Brownstone Insitute - good articles, many authors
Information for Resisting the Great Reset
Bomb Thrower - Good Articles
Voltaire Net - Mostly Middle East News
Unz Review - Toxic subject matter
Wierd stuff from the fringe
Benjamin Fulford - Interesting, though he might be crazy
Educate Youself (Mostly Conspiracy)
Links to Evidence of Vote Fraud
Stop World Control - Conspiracy site - Interesting (yes) Accurate (?)
Conspiracy Index - critical of most of them
Michael Tsarion's Bitchute channel
Major Danny A. Sjursen (ret) - Geopolitical issues
Caitlin Johnstone - MSM Narrative Control
Ludwig von Mises - Economic theory that will outlast all the others
Craig Murray - Human Rights
Wikileaks - The only news organization that has NEVER gotten a story wrong.
Chikdren's Health Defense - RFK Jr.
The Medical Rebel - Dr. Lee Merritt
The Dr. Ardis Show
Matt Taibbi - Press Freedom
Aaron Maté - Another Honest journalist
Free Julian Assange - Journalism is under attack
David A. Stockman - Current economic situation
Glenn Greenwald - the Journalist that Snowden trusted
Ray McGovern - National Security
Saker - Telegram Channel
Charles - Prince of Wales - creepy
The future of food and the end of rural farming
Nice Free Wallpapers Site
Marketing for Hippies
Interesting Art Site
Patriots Win - A MAGA blog site