July 1989 Forecast -- Flux Range 165 - 197

by Roy, AD5Q - Houston, Texas

10 Meters: Moving into midsummer, most DX activity is confined to 20 and 15 Meters. The sun has burned up the northern latitude paths on 10, so propagation to Europe and Asia is very limited. 10 Meters is in excellent shape in the southern hemisphere. Conditions to all points south of the equator will remain good, with opportunities for contacts in other parts the northern hemisphere via long path. Look for 10 meter LP to Japan in midmorning, and to Europe in late evening. These signals are usually weak and the countries are not rare. Most rare long path DX is on 20.

15 Meters: June has been very good, especially on nighttime paths. As this is written, it is early July and conditions are still good. Europe and Asia are accessible for much of the day and night. Long path to Europe is workable for over an hour after our sunrise, and JA via LP comes through from 1900Z - 2130Z. The Indian Ocean and Africa also come in via LP in the morning while the same path is open on 20. Deterioration of northern latitude propagation is expected for the next 4 - 6 weeks.

20 Meters: Propagation peaks to Europe and Asia have been of shorter duration than on 15 because the daytime paths are not easily crossed. Summer propagation occurs over nighttime paths, or over daytime areas where the sun is low in the sky. This will continue until winter. We have mentioned the reliable morning long path to Africa and the Indian Ocean often enough. We have also emphasized the northwesterly pipeline to Asia in the morning, which also extends across the Indian Ocean. There is hardly anybody in that part of the world to talk to, but there are about a half dozen island countries in the South Indian Ocean that are very rare. This northwesterly path also peaks in the summer, and three of these countries are currently active.

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